CINS Story: Prosecutor’s office did not investigate connection between Nenad Vučković and demolishing of café belonging to Aleksandar Vavić
Returnees under the Readmission Agreements: An Important Issue in the Context of European Integration
Amendments on Regulation governing the financing of the programmes of public interest that are carried out by associations
The progress made and the shortcomings of the criminal justice system after compliance with the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence
Amendments to the Rule of Procedures of the Serbian Government for the Purpose of Fulfilling the Systematic Consideration of the Recommendations of the Anti-Corruption Council
Proposal of the Amendments and Supplements to the Bill on Foreigners for better harmonisation with the EU Directive 2004/81/EC and alignment with the current legislation of the Republic of Serbia
National SOS helpline
Proposals for Amendments to the Draft Law on Asylum and Temporary Protection
Access to Compensation of Victims of Human Trafficking